Wednesday, March 18, 2015

IBPS Clerk 4 Final Results

Hai friends here are the blog and post for only IBPS Clerk 4 Final results 2015. Here you can get updated information and gossips about ibps clerk 4 final results. This could a place where candidates are waiting for the result can share their views and doubts. 

Many of the candidates are sharing their views in facebook groups but that cant share the information to all the candidates who are out of the groups. So here we provide you to share using comments.
This post includes IBPS Clerk 4 final result date, ibps clerk 4 expected cutoffs, and some doubts that shared in groups.

ibps clerk 4 final results

IBPS Clerk 4 final result Date:

Expectations were like the results will be declared on first week of April that too roumers were around april 2nd since we got the information that IBPS PO 4 final result will declare on April 1st. Many candidates are expecting IBPS Clerk IV final result will be declared on April 2nd.

Many candidates have doubt like is there any chance that IBPS may release result before April?
The answer is “NO” since the ibps clerk 3 results will be valid till march 31 so IBPS will not declare before that day so in April 1st they are going to release IBPS po 4 result.

Who Will clear in IBPS Clerk 4 Final results?

Everybody will get a doubt whether I will get a job or not, I got 150+ marks in ibps clerk 4 and my interview was bad do I have a chance and some got 5 marks above the cutoff does he get the job and all that but the thing here is “the Performance in Interview”  this plays major role in getting job to particular candidate.

According to previous analysis candidate may get least mark “40” in Interview and “95” as maximum. So for suppose if a candidate got cutoff mark then he/she should get 90 in interview for getting his name in IBPS Clerk 4 final results. And If a candidate got cutoff above 20 marks then he should get 60% marks in interview to get his name in IBPS Clerk 4 final results.

So ibps clerk 4 final results will soon publish in the ibps website and we will be watching continuously 24/7 for the link so keep checking our website.